Brief Description: Whether in finance, employment, politics, health, or human services, data discrimination is not just invasive — but also punitive toward poor communities. This book reveals the impacts... read more →
Brief Description: This book highlights the data discrimination that occurs on search engines like Google. The biased search algorithms both privilege whiteness and discriminate against people of color — especially... read more →
Brief Description: This report highlights the role of health information technology in addressing health disparities. The purpose of this report is to give technical guidance on the design and development... read more →
Brief Description: Access to technology and the internet is a known problem in healthcare. This article suggests shifting the focus away from what communities lack — and toward innovating for... read more →
Brief Description: The healthcare delivery system in the US has repeatedly failed to respond to differences in culture. This article proposes the Culturally-Informed Designed Framework as a guide for designers... read more →
Brief Description: The US healthcare system is broken — particularly for communities of color, low-income populations, and other historically marginalized communities. The intersection of health and technology access disparities may... read more →